Dr. Abhijit Lele, BDS, M.Clin.Dent (UK)

Integrity Dental Care

TMJ Specialist in Pune

Welcome to Integrity Dental Care, one of the centres of excellence in treatment of TMDs (Temporo-mandibular joint disorders) in Pune. Dr. Abhijit Lele is a post-graduate specialist prosthodontist educated at one of the most prestigious institutes in Europe, KING'S COLLEGE LONDON DENTAL INSTITUTE
He has also received advanced education in management of TMDs from the educators of one of the premier most institutions in the world, THE DAWSON INSTITUTE (Florida, U.S)
The advanced education has enabled him to successfully detect and treat individuals with TMDs, facial pain of unknown origin, migrane like headaches etc.
Patients often do not know where to look for for their problems related to TMDs or facial pain. Integrity Dental Care is the place where they can hope to find respite from the pain and stress associated with it.
Apart from treatment of TMDs, our highly trained team renders the best possible treatment in the fields of cosmetic dentistry, implant dentistry, restorative dentistry and orthodontics.
The knowledge of the teeth-muscle-joint complex and the science behind it, the team of experts can provide complex dental treatments in a predictable manner so that restorations last longer in the patient's mouth and complications are least.
This is called the concept of 'COMPLETE DENTISTRY'
Do you suffer or have you suffered from any of the following?
  1. Pain around the ear or just in front of the ear in the jaw joint area?
  2. Generalised facial pain?
  3. Headaches, Neck pain?
  4. Locked jaw or difficulty to open the mouth
  5. Clicking or popping sound in the jaw joint while opening or closing the mouth
  6. Pain while eating or chewing?
  7. Habit of clenching or grinding of teeth
Have you observed any of the following with your teeth?
  1. Mobile teeth without any signs of gum disease
  2. Gradually migrating teeth (Appearance of gaps between teeth)
  3. Hypersensitivity with teeth
  4. Excessive wear and tear of enamel and dentine
These may be a result of disharmony between the three components of the complex formed by Teeth, Jaw muscles and the Jaw joint (Temporomandibular joint)
Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a problem affecting the 'chewing' muscles and the joints between the lower jaw and the base of the skull. It’s called by various names like
  • MPDS (Myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome)
  • Occluso-muscular disorder
It's been estimated that up to 30% of adults will experience TMD at some point in their lives. The condition itself isn't usually very serious and in fact may resolve automatically, however to appear again.
These symptoms can significantly lower quality of life, and a specialist’s advise and treatment should be sought for effective resolution of symptoms and also to prevent further pain episodes and damage to the teeth-muscle-joint complex.
Possible causes of TMD include:
  • lenching your jaw or grinding your teeth during sleep (bruxism) - which overworks the jaw muscles and puts pressure on the joint (often caused by stress)
  • Wear and tear of the inside of the jaw joint- usually caused by osteoarthritis
  • Injury to the jaw joint - for example, after a blow to the face or surgery
  • Stress - some people may inherit increased sensitivity to pain or stress
  • Uneven bite - for example, when new fillings, dental crowns or dentures are fitted
  • Specific diseases - TMD may be associated with specific diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout or fibromyalgia
However, some people may develop TMD without an obvious cause being found.
Treatment of TMDs
Occlusal splints
Occlusal splints (plastic devices that fit over your teeth) may be helpful. This is the most commonly used treatment. It works via relaxing the muscles and by preventing back teeth from rubbing against each other or the splint.
Usual painkillers such as paracetamol, ibuprofen can help relieve the pain associated with TMD.
If these aren't enough to control the pain, a muscle relaxant may be required. Keep in mind though that this is just symptomatic treatment and will afford only short lived relief.
Steroid injections
If TMD is caused by a disease such as arthritis (Arthritic conditions of TMJ are very rare), a steroid injection into the jaw joint can help reduce pain and swelling in a joint or the surrounding soft tissue.
Most people report feeling less pain within the first 24 hours to one week. You may find your pain improves for a period of a few weeks to several months and, in some cases, the injection resolves the pain completely. Read more about corticosteroids (steroids).
If the above measures don't help and the source of your symptoms is the temporomandibular joint rather than the chewing muscles your specialist may suggest a surgical treatment such as arthrocentesis (joint wash-out). Open joint surgery may be considered in the rare cases where there is an abnormality within the joint.
Total joint replacement may be recommended for an extremely small number of people with severe, long-lasting symptoms and impaired jaw function. All joint surgery can have significant side effects and you should discuss these with your surgeon. These are usually kept as the last resort.
We welcome you to explore our website to know more about us and our services or to get health information about your dental problems. You can ask us a question, send an enquiry or book appointment with us. We welcome your feedback in the interests of improving patient services. So please feel free to comment here. To Read more
First Floor, Roopnagari, Opposite Maruti Mandir, Near Club Solaris, Karve Road, Kothrud, Pune - 411038
Phone - 020-25447089